How's Your Ayahuasca Punch Card? (w/Steven Twohig)

There's a punch card for everything. Brendan talks with the very awesome Steven Twohig, speaker, shadow work master, and founder of Mastering Change. The two dive into some mind-blowing topics like: Steve's key takeaways from working for Tony Robbins, coming face-to-face with "Mother" during an ayahuasca journey, what ayahuasca really tastes like, realizing that it really is all story, why a tree is not really a tree, the five sacred fears (no, one is not warm White Claw), the right way to use psychedelics, the life-changing importance of shadow work, and whether or not you should get a bongo permit. 

Steven Twohig
Mastering Change
Bongo Permit


"It's Hard to Make Bad Decisions When You're Sober" (w/Whitney Walker)


"If Someone Ghosts You, They Probably Died" (w/Andrea Owen)